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Produkt zum Begriff Software:

  • Art of Software Security Testing, The: Identifying Software Security Flaws
    Art of Software Security Testing, The: Identifying Software Security Flaws

    State-of-the-Art Software Security Testing: Expert, Up to Date, and Comprehensive   The Art of Software Security Testing delivers in-depth, up-to-date, battle-tested techniques for anticipating and identifying software security problems before the “bad guys” do.   Drawing on decades of experience in application and penetration testing, this book’s authors can help you transform your approach from mere “verification” to proactive “attack.” The authors begin by systematically reviewing the design and coding vulnerabilities that can arise in software, and offering realistic guidance in avoiding them. Next, they show you ways to customize software debugging tools to test the unique aspects of any program and then analyze the results to identify exploitable vulnerabilities.   Coverage includes Tips on how to think the way software attackers think to strengthen your defense strategy Cost-effectively integrating security testing into your development lifecycle Using threat modeling to prioritize testing based on your top areas of risk Building testing labs for performing white-, grey-, and black-box software testing Choosing and using the right tools for each testing project Executing today’s leading attacks, from fault injection to buffer overflows Determining which flaws are most likely to be exploited by real-world attackers      

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Art of Software Security Assessment, The: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
    Art of Software Security Assessment, The: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities

    “There are a number of secure programming books on the market, but none that go as deep as this one. The depth and detail exceeds all books that I know about by an order of magnitude.” —Halvar Flake, CEO and head of research, SABRE Security GmbH   The Definitive Insider’s Guide to Auditing Software Security   This is one of the most detailed, sophisticated, and useful guides to software security auditing ever written. The authors are leading security consultants and researchers who have personally uncovered vulnerabilities in applications ranging from sendmail to Microsoft Exchange, Check Point VPN to Internet Explorer. Drawing on their extraordinary experience, they introduce a start-to-finish methodology for “ripping apart” applications to reveal even the most subtle and well-hidden security flaws.   The Art of Software Security Assessment covers the full spectrum of software vulnerabilities in both UNIX/Linux and Windows environments. It demonstrates how to audit security in applications of all sizes and functions, including network and Web software. Moreover, it teaches using extensive examples of real code drawn from past flaws in many of the industry's highest-profile applications.   Coverage includes   • Code auditing: theory, practice, proven methodologies, and secrets of the trade • Bridging the gap between secure software design and post-implementation review • Performing architectural assessment: design review, threat modeling, and operational review • Identifying vulnerabilities related to memory management, data types, and malformed data • UNIX/Linux assessment: privileges, files, and processes • Windows-specific issues, including objects and the filesystem • Auditing interprocess communication, synchronization, and state • Evaluating network software: IP stacks, firewalls, and common application protocols • Auditing Web applications and technologies   This book is an unprecedented resource for everyone who must deliver secure software or assure the safety of existing software: consultants, security specialists, developers, QA staff, testers, and administrators alike.   Contents ABOUT THE AUTHORS     xv PREFACE     xvii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS    xxi I Introduction to Software Security Assessment 1 SOFTWARE VULNERABILITY FUNDAMENTALS    3 2 DESIGN REVIEW     25 3 OPERATIONAL REVIEW    67 4 APPLICATION REVIEW PROCESS    91 II Software Vulnerabilities 5 MEMORY CORRUPTION    167 6 C LANGUAGE ISSUES     203 7 PROGRAM BUILDING BLOCKS     297 8 STRINGS ANDMETACHARACTERS    387 9 UNIX I: PRIVILEGES AND FILES     459 10 UNIX II: PROCESSES     559 11 WINDOWS I: OBJECTS AND THE FILE SYSTEM     625 12 WINDOWS II: INTERPROCESS COMMUNICATION     685 13 SYNCHRONIZATION AND STATE    755 III Software Vulnerabilities in Practice 14 NETWORK PROTOCOLS    829 15 FIREWALLS    891 16 NETWORK APPLICATION PROTOCOLS    921 17 WEB APPLICATIONS    1007 18 WEB TECHNOLOGIES     1083 BIBLIOGRAPHY     1125 INDEX     1129

    Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Enterprise Software Security: A Confluence of Disciplines
    Enterprise Software Security: A Confluence of Disciplines

    STRENGTHEN SOFTWARE SECURITY BY HELPING DEVELOPERS AND SECURITY EXPERTS WORK TOGETHER   Traditional approaches to securing software are inadequate. The solution: Bring software engineering and network security teams together in a new, holistic approach to protecting the entire enterprise. Now, four highly respected security experts explain why this “confluence” is so crucial, and show how to implement it in your organization.   Writing for all software and security practitioners and leaders, they show how software can play a vital, active role in protecting your organization. You’ll learn how to construct software that actively safeguards sensitive data and business processes and contributes to intrusion detection/response in sophisticated new ways. The authors cover the entire development lifecycle, including project inception, design, implementation, testing, deployment, operation, and maintenance. They also provide a full chapter of advice specifically for Chief Information Security Officers and other enterprise security executives. Whatever your software security responsibilities, Enterprise Software Security delivers indispensable big-picture guidance–and specific, high-value recommendations you can apply right now.   COVERAGE INCLUDES: • Overcoming common obstacles to collaboration between developers and IT security professionals• Helping programmers design, write, deploy, and operate more secure software• Helping network security engineers use application output more effectively• Organizing a software security team before you’ve even created requirements• Avoiding the unmanageable complexity and inherent flaws of layered security• Implementing positive software design practices and identifying security defects in existing designs• Teaming to improve code reviews, clarify attack scenarios associated with vulnerable code, and validate positive compliance• Moving beyond pentesting toward more comprehensive security testing• Integrating your new application with your existing security infrastructure• “Ruggedizing” DevOps by adding infosec to the relationship between development and operations• Protecting application security during maintenance

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Bitdefender Total Security 3 Geräte - 1 Jahr Software
    Bitdefender Total Security 3 Geräte - 1 Jahr Software

    -Komplettschutz für 3 Geräte / -Laufzeit 1 Jahr / -Sichere Online-Transaktionen / -Sicheres VPN (200 MB/Tag/Gerät) / -Firewall zum Schutz vor Eindringversuchen / -Webcam-Schutz / -Optimierung Ihres PCs

    Preis: 34.99 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Gibt es eine Software zum Protokollieren, wenn das WLAN ständig ausfällt?

    Ja, es gibt verschiedene Softwarelösungen, mit denen du das WLAN-Verhalten protokollieren kannst, wenn es ständig ausfällt. Diese Software kann Informationen über die Verbindungsqualität, Signalstärke, Ausfallzeiten und andere relevante Daten sammeln, um mögliche Ursachen für die Probleme zu identifizieren und Lösungen zu finden.

  • Wie sperre ich mit dem G Data Total Security Programm in der Firewall?

    Um mit dem G Data Total Security Programm die Firewall zu sperren, öffnen Sie das Programm und gehen Sie zu den Einstellungen. Dort finden Sie die Option "Firewall" oder "Netzwerkschutz". Klicken Sie darauf und suchen Sie nach einer Option, um die Firewall zu aktivieren oder zu deaktivieren. Wählen Sie "Deaktivieren" aus, um die Firewall zu sperren.

  • Was ist Clip-Software?

    Clip-Software ist eine Anwendung, die es ermöglicht, Videoclips zu erstellen, zu bearbeiten und zu teilen. Mit dieser Software können Benutzer Videos schneiden, Effekte hinzufügen, Übergänge einfügen und Audiospuren synchronisieren. Clip-Software wird häufig von Content-Erstellern, Videobloggern und Social-Media-Nutzern verwendet, um ansprechende und professionell aussehende Videos zu erstellen. Es gibt verschiedene Clip-Software-Programme auf dem Markt, die unterschiedliche Funktionen und Möglichkeiten bieten.

  • Welche Software zum Zeichnen?

    Welche Art von Zeichnungen möchtest du erstellen? Für einfache Skizzen und Illustrationen könnten Programme wie Adobe Illustrator, Procreate oder Sketchbook geeignet sein. Wenn du digitale Gemälde oder komplexe Grafiken erstellen möchtest, könnten Programme wie Adobe Photoshop, Corel Painter oder Clip Studio Paint besser geeignet sein. Es ist wichtig, die Funktionen und Benutzeroberflächen verschiedener Zeichenprogramme zu vergleichen, um das beste für deine Bedürfnisse zu finden. Hast du bereits Erfahrung mit einer bestimmten Software zum Zeichnen oder bist du auf der Suche nach einer neuen, benutzerfreundlichen Option?

Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Software:

  • McAfee Internet Security 3 Geräte - 1 Jahr Software
    McAfee Internet Security 3 Geräte - 1 Jahr Software

    Schutz für Ihre PCs, Macs, Smartphones und Tablets / Inkl. Kennwort-Manager / Sichere Internetnutzung und PC Optimierung

    Preis: 22.29 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Software Security Engineering: A Guide for Project Managers
    Software Security Engineering: A Guide for Project Managers

    Software Security Engineering draws extensively on the systematic approach developed for the Build Security In (BSI) Web site. Sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security Software Assurance Program, the BSI site offers a host of tools, guidelines, rules, principles, and other resources to help project managers address security issues in every phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC). The book’s expert authors, themselves frequent contributors to the BSI site, represent two well-known resources in the security world: the CERT Program at the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and Cigital, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in software security.   This book will help you understand why Software security is about more than just eliminating vulnerabilities and conducting penetration tests Network security mechanisms and IT infrastructure security services do not sufficiently protect application software from security risks Software security initiatives should follow a risk-management approach to identify priorities and to define what is “good enough”–understanding that software security risks will change throughout the SDLC Project managers and software engineers need to learn to think like an attacker in order to address the range of functions that software should not do, and how software can better resist, tolerate, and recover when under attack

    Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Bitdefender Total Security 2 Jahre - 10 Geräte Software
    Bitdefender Total Security 2 Jahre - 10 Geräte Software

    Schutz gegen Viren,Ransomware,Phishing oder Trojaner / Sicherung der Privatsphäre durch Bitdefender VPN / Keine Auswirkung auf die PC-Leistung

    Preis: 63.99 € | Versand*: 0.00 €
  • Art of Software Security Assessment, The: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
    Art of Software Security Assessment, The: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities

    The Definitive Insider’s Guide to Auditing Software Security   This is one of the most detailed, sophisticated, and useful guides to software security auditing ever written. The authors are leading security consultants and researchers who have personally uncovered vulnerabilities in applications ranging from sendmail to Microsoft Exchange, Check Point VPN to Internet Explorer. Drawing on their extraordinary experience, they introduce a start-to-finish methodology for “ripping apart” applications to reveal even the most subtle and well-hidden security flaws.   The Art of Software Security Assessment covers the full spectrum of software vulnerabilities in both UNIX/Linux and Windows environments. It demonstrates how to audit security in applications of all sizes and functions, including network and Web software. Moreover, it teaches using extensive examples of real code drawn from past flaws in many of the industry's highest-profile applications.   Coverage includes   • Code auditing: theory, practice, proven methodologies, and secrets of the trade • Bridging the gap between secure software design and post-implementation review • Performing architectural assessment: design review, threat modeling, and operational review • Identifying vulnerabilities related to memory management, data types, and malformed data • UNIX/Linux assessment: privileges, files, and processes • Windows-specific issues, including objects and the filesystem • Auditing interprocess communication, synchronization, and state • Evaluating network software: IP stacks, firewalls, and common application protocols • Auditing Web applications and technologies  

    Preis: 36.37 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Sind Software Lizenzen Aktivierungspflichtig?

    Sind Software Lizenzen Aktivierungspflichtig? Die Aktivierung von Software Lizenzen ist in vielen Fällen erforderlich, um sicherzustellen, dass die Lizenz ordnungsgemäß genutzt wird und um die rechtmäßige Nutzung der Software zu überwachen. Einige Softwarehersteller verlangen eine Aktivierung, um sicherzustellen, dass die Lizenz nur auf einer bestimmten Anzahl von Geräten verwendet wird. In einigen Fällen kann die Aktivierung auch dazu dienen, sicherzustellen, dass die Software regelmäßig aktualisiert wird und um sicherheitsrelevante Patches zu installieren. Letztendlich hängt es von den Lizenzbedingungen des jeweiligen Softwareherstellers ab, ob eine Aktivierungspflicht besteht.

  • Was sind die Vorteile von freier Software im Vergleich zu proprietärer Software?

    Freie Software ist in der Regel kostenlos, während proprietäre Software kostenpflichtig ist. Freie Software bietet oft mehr Flexibilität und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten für den Nutzer. Freie Software fördert die Zusammenarbeit und den Wissensaustausch in der Entwicklergemeinschaft.

  • Was sind die Vorteile von Open Source-Software im Vergleich zu proprietärer Software?

    Open Source-Software ist in der Regel kostenfrei verfügbar, was Kosten spart. Zudem können Nutzer den Quellcode einsehen und anpassen, was Flexibilität und Transparenz bietet. Die Community kann Fehler schneller beheben und neue Funktionen einführen, was die Entwicklung beschleunigt.

  • Was sind die Vorteile von frei verfügbarer Software im Vergleich zu kostenpflichtiger Software?

    Frei verfügbare Software ist in der Regel kostenlos, was Kosten spart. Sie bietet oft eine größere Flexibilität und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten. Zudem fördert sie die Zusammenarbeit und den Austausch von Wissen in der Entwicklergemeinschaft.

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